radioactives wastes management


radioactives wastes management

In particular, these scenarios are based on ''''conservative'''' hypotheses to understand, for example, how radioelements would behave in the event of a repository vault sealing failure, general architecture of the Meuse/Haute-Marne Underground Research Laboratory Scientific activities Doctorands’ Day at the ENSCP Andra mobilises scientific skills in a wide range of fields, in particular earth, materials, and environmental sciences, calculation and modelling, measurement and surveillance. radioactives wastes management Within this context, it creates, forms and drives the necessary scientific networks with players in the world of research R&D organisations, universities and institutions, through partnerships, service providing, theses and post-doctorate work, the agency also has a policy of training through research, which is aimed at heightening student awareness to the problems of interfacing between the various fields concerned by its scientific programme.
This new section covers scientific events congresses, symposia, seminars, areas covered by Andra’s doctorate thesis students, thesis topics and research work under way at Andra, its ambition is to provide the scientific community with more and better information about the agency’s research objectives and results.   radioactives wastes management
Andra is recruiting doctoral Ph, d students interested in preparing a thesis for a three-year term, incumbents will be seconded to a university research laboratory or a post-graduate institution as part of Andra’s efforts to support upstream research in studies associated with radioactive-waste managament. Andra is mostly interested in the following topics, couplings and interactions.
Clays and waste-repository materials, chemistry/transfer couplings, mechanics, geochemistry, fissure plugging, transfer mechanisms. radioactives wastes management Phenomenon modelling, retention process in engineered and geological barriers, gas migration, inverse modelling of reactive transports, geodynamics. The french National Radiactive Waste Management Agency is responsible for the long-term management of all radioactive watse in France and for the conduct of investigations on its disposal in deep geological formation.
Evolution of the Paris Basin, long-term seismic risk, erosion quantification and datation, digital analyses. radioactives wastes management Multi-phenomenon simulation, scale changes, estimates/forecasts, error calculations, preference is given to the following scientific disciplines.
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Earth scicnces, element chemistry, materials science, environmental science biosphere and digital modelling, research topics relating to job applications are updated on a yearly basis. radioactives wastes management 'The French National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management or Andra is a public industrial and commercial organisation created by the Act of 30 December 1991, andra Head Office Andra operates independently of waste producers.
It comes under the supervision of the French Ministries for Industry, Research and the Environment, and is responsible for the long-term management of radioactive waste produced in France, alongside this main task, Andra pursues industrial, research, and information activities defined in the 2001-2004 four-year contract signed with its three supervisory ministries. radioactives wastes management Andra is spread over five sites, the agency headquarters in Châtenay-Malabry Hauts-de-Seine, ; the Manche waste disposal facility in Beaumont-Hague Manche, which received waste packages between 1969 and 1994 and is now in the surveillance phase, ; the Aube waste disposal facility in Soulaines Aube, which receives short-lived, low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste, the VLLW disposal facility in Morvilliers Aube, which receives very-low-level radioactive waste, the Meuse/Haute-Marne underground research laboratory in Bure Meuse, set up to study the feasibility of a deep geological waste repository in clay for high-level and long-lived intermediate-level radioactive waste.

Andra, National Radioactive Waste Management Agency